What Specific Long-Term Care Services Are Available to Seniors Who Are Also Veterans?

Long Term Care Planning

The Federal government provides a wide array of specialized services for individuals who have served in the military branch. As veterans grow older, they often need more focused long-term care services for their health needs and general well-being.

Unfortunately, many seniors who are also veterans are unaware of the various long-term care services that may be available to them. For this reason, it is always best to consult with an elder law attorney who can provide clients with information and help in accessing essential services.

If you or a family member are a senior and also a veteran, there may be long-term care services you may need to learn about. Our knowledgeable lawyers can provide you with a free case review to determine your needs and what services you may qualify to receive.

However, in many instances, the Veterans Administration does not always approve requests for specialized services. In those cases, hiring an attorney who can fight to help you receive the benefits you deserve is often necessary.

What is the VA Pension Program?

A Veteran Pension is a needs-based program for veterans who have served during wartime, are 65 or older, or have a permanent and non-service-related total disability. However, veterans must also have a limited income and net worth that meets specific federal guidelines to qualify.

To qualify for the VA Pension program applicant must meet specific eligibility requirements, including:

  • The veteran must not have received a dishonorable discharge
  • The veteran served 90 days of active duty, with at least one of those days occurring during wartime.
  • The veteran’s countable income is below the maximum annual pension rate (MAPR).
  • The veteran must meet the net worth guidelines.

The veteran applying for benefits must also meet one of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Are currently a patient in a nursing care facility due to physical or mental incapacity.
  • Are currently receiving Social Security disability benefits.

If you or a family member need clarification on whether you meet the eligibility requirements to obtain a VA pension, it is in your best interest to speak with a lawyer immediately.

A Veteran’s benefits lawyer can review your case, help determine if you meet the requirements, and guide you in obtaining the resources you need.

Who is Eligible For the Aid and Attendance Pension?

The Wartime Aid and Attendance Pension is a VA program that provides additional monthly benefit payments to those already being received by eligible Veterans and survivors. In most instances, wartime service in a combat zone is not typically required. However, there is an exception of a three and one half-year period early in the Vietnam War.

However, to be considered for the program, the Veteran must not have received a dishonorable discharge.

Nevertheless, applicants must receive a VA pension must meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements to qualify for VA Aid and Attendance, which include:

  • The applicant must stay in bed or spend much of the day in bed due to illness.
  • The applicant is a patient in a nursing home due to loss of physical or mental abilities.
  • The applicant requires assistance from another person to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), such as dressing, feeding, or bathing.
  • The applicant’s eyesight is limited, and even with glasses or contact lenses, they only have 5/20 or less in both eyes or have concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.

In some cases, a Veteran may be entitled to receive what is known as Housebound benefits if they spend most of their time at home due to a permanent disability. However, individuals should know they cannot simultaneously receive Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits.

How Can I Learn More About Long-Term Care Veterans Benefits?

For those seniors who faithfully served their country, there may be several veteran long-term care benefits they are entitled to receive. However, individuals and their families often are unaware of the benefits and programs.

One of the simplest ways to learn more about the benefits you or a family member may be entitled to is to speak with a knowledgeable elder care planning attorney. Elder care planning or Veteran’s benefits attorneys are available to help seniors who are also vets plan for the future by providing essential information regarding long-term care programs.

In many cases, veterans have yet to learn these programs even exist until an experienced lawyer provides them with more details.

If you have questions about what long-term care programs you may qualify for, contact our law office to learn more about how we may be able to help.

Can an Attorney Help Me Obtain Veterans Benefits?

Sadly, in many cases, the Veterans Administration (VA) denies benefits to veterans who meet all of the qualifications and truly need assistance. Having a veteran’s benefits attorney has proven to help individuals obtain the benefits they need more quickly and collect a larger amount than they initially anticipated.

In cases where a veteran has been denied benefits, it is always best to hire an experienced lawyer to help navigate the complex appeal VA benefits appeals process.

If you or a loved one have been denied essential long-term care benefits, our law firm is ready to help. Our veteran benefits attorneys have a proven track record of obtaining favorable outcomes for clients and would be proud to help you with your needs.

Our law firm proudly recognizes senior veterans’ sacrifices and would be honored to provide you with a free case review to determine what legal options may be available.

Contact Estate Planning & Elder Law Services, P.C of Northville, MI, by calling 888-663-7407 to schedule a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your legal needs.

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